Author: Nabiha Hossain

Clas: Ten

Roll: 2

  1. Rony in computer exam.

Examiner: What is Microsoft excel?

Rony : It is a new brand of computer surf excel to clean the computer.

  1. Yasen Ali enters kitchen, opens sugar container, looks inside and closes it. He does this again and again. Because, the doctor told him to cheek sugar level regularly.
  2. Grammar teacher. Sam, can you tell me any two pronouns? 

Sam: Who, me ?

Grammar teacher: Good answer,

  1. Teacher: Tomorrow I’ll give lectures on the sun.

Sumon : Ma’am, I won’t attend the lecture. My mom won’t allow me to go so far.

  1. My dog is awesome, fashion desi advisor. Every time I ask how I look in my clothes, he says: Wow!
  2. Why do we write “ete” at the end of the examples? Because it means:

E- End of

T- Thinking

C – Capacity